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Joe Ryan
Math / Science Teacher
Challand Middle School
Courtney Forth
Special Education Aide
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Haley Teske
Special Education Aide
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Jack Cottrell
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Kelsey Stringer
ELA | Core 8-2
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Brad Dunlap
Science Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Antonio Tablante
Head Custodian
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Heather Wright
Teacher | Core 8-1
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Liz Spaulding
Special Education
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Whitnie Garriott
Science Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Kate Messer
ELA / Social Studies Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Bailee Fortney
Special Education Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Gabe Harts
Special Education Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Matthew Butler
Choir Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Haley Ellis
Orchestra Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Matthew Pearlman
Social Worker
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Amber Espinoza
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2501
Elizabeth Engstrom
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2501
Emily Duncan
Associate Principal
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2506
Jason Fargher
Athletic Director / Dean of Students
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2511