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Bridget Tuft
Administrative Assistant
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext.
Kelsey Laird
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext.
Jessica Bowman
Special Education
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext.
Jacey Ramirez
4th Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext.
Madison Loger
Social Worker
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext.
Cindy Frank
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5501
Nicole Mathews-Meisenheimer
Dean of Students
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5504
Marci Osborn
School Nurse
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5502
Carly Rodriguez
School Counselor
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5017
Nathan Behmlander
Special Education Aide
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5019
Kaley Behrens
Special Education Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5019
Emma Bickett
5th Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5024
Teray Boyer
Head Custodian
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5030
Julie Bridges
4th Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5020
Lauren Burrus
3rd Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5010
Rashawn Carter
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5030
Tanaya Cook
Library Aide
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5034
Serena Criss
One-on-One Aide
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5036
Kendra Delgado
Title I Support Staff
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5036
Ashley Dunlap
5th Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
815-625-1449 ext. 5022